VO2 max training Fitness Cardio Secret That Propels Lance Armstrong

What is Lance Armstrong to do to improve performance?

Most people exercise to lose weight, VO2 max training focus only on that one goal. But
wait, is not just about anesthetics, getting in those tight jeans,
or lose 10 pounds Actually it comes to improving your health, and human

Every day when you are out of breath on the tape, VO2 max training focusing strongly
in keeping you it was inclined,max interval training have you ever thought about what is physically
that occur in your body burn more calories vo2 max test?

For best results, more people need to stop focusing only burn calories,
and start thinking about improving such fitness values, vo2 max training, or maximum
training oxygen uptake VO2max.

What exactly is your VO2 Max? VO2 max is defined as the highest rate at which
oxygen can be taken in and used during high intensity dynamic exercise. When
you do aerobic exercise on the treadmill,max interval training every muscle
contraction requires oxygen to break down fats,vo2 max test carbohydrates VO2 max, training and proteins;
thus providing energy (ATP) needed to fuel the muscles for movement
occur vo2 max training.

Humans, at rest, need oxygen 3.5ml, VO2 max training each minute per kilogram of body
weight only to support cellular activities in the tissues that keep us alive.

Now back to our treadmill. As you increase the speed or incline
(Intensity), more oxygen is required to transfer oxygen to the blood and
in muscles.

Due to the increased intensity during the workout,max interval training VO2 max training more
Oxygen is needed to start the process of releasing energy.

From here, take the tape speed and incline where it can no longer
breath comfortably. The intensity will increase significantly, but
reached greater than the amount of vo2 max test oxygen that can take limit max interval training.

This is
Training your vo2 max training.

VO2 Max values whiffletree from one individual to another. Factors such as age, health,
activity levels, training programs and genetics affect vo2 max training.

A sedentary
has a VO2max of about 20 ml of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per
minutes of exercise. VO2 max resistance training highly skilled athlete can have a VO2 Max
70 ml / kg / min max interval training.

Now why Lance Armstrong win all those bike races? Yes, it has a large
training program, a great coach and a great team.

However, their genetic
an endurance athlete are nothing short of amazing vo2 max test. Do you know your VO2
Max Maximum training measures around 83-85 ml / kg / min VO2 is all about 40 average person?
For Lance, his success is due to a combination of great training, will,max interval training
incredible desire and genetic makeup.

Lanza superhuman:

1. Lungs - twice the capacity of the average person

2. Muscle - less lactic acid accumulates and is more effective in  vo2 max training


3. Heart - is a third larger with a resting heart rate of 32 beats per

minutes,max interval training and peaks around 200 beats per minute.

4. Body Fat - 4.5 percent before the start of the Tour, VO2 max training while averaging

person has 15 to 20 percent.

5. Food Consumption - Needs 6500 calories per day, and more than

10,000 per day for cycling in the mountains during his 120-mile race.

Truly amazing!

How improvevo2 max training? Improvement is seen by gradually
Test yourself with consistent aerobic exercise 60% to 85% of its
high (220-age) heart rate for an extended period of time max interval training.

important variable is to continue to try to increase the intensity levels of the
workouts. Progressive overload is the key; Your body will adjust and improve
VO2 max training and burn more calories than body fat decreased.

Now I wonder how I can measure the vo2 max training?

For more accurate measurement, you can go to a hospital or university
Human Performance Lab and get the test. Generally,max interval training you use a treadmill or
stationary bicycle, and has an oxygen mask to measure your oxygen exchange VO2 max training.
It will also connect with chest electrodes to measure the response of his heart.
The main goal is to walk, bike or run as the intensity gradually
high until you can not go training VO2 max. (You have to be cleaned or
monitored by your doctor before attempting a VO2 max test.)

The easiest. but many are not as accurate,max interval training is to make a maximal aerobic underestimated

The following is one of many tests that can be used VO2 max training.

Find a 400 meter track, bring a stopwatch, and walk / run as fast as you can go for
12 minutes. Keep track of the number of meters that has gone in 12 minutes,
and using the following formula.

Distance in meters - 504.9 / 44,730 = estimated VO2 Max

Here is a rough guide:

The Significance of Submax Testing and Gender Differences (vo2 max training)

Submaximal test is a test, athlete, or a theme client personal training intensities below 100% VO2max (volume of inspired oxygen, expressed in absolute or relative values vo2 max training.) Often overlooked in aptitude tests and exercise prescription.

When the body is placed in cardio respiratory fitness,max interval training oxygen demands increase. Oxygen consumption increases as the intensity increases vo2 max training.

This can be easily demonstrated in submaximal tests due to the equilibrium state that heart rate (HR) reached during this type of test. However,max interval training the body can vo2 max test consume a certain amount of body mass proportional to the oxygen. This maximum value is limited by the biochemical metabolism and is influenced by age, sex,vo2 max training body size, and type of muscle called genetic and VO2 max.

Submaximal tests stems from the idea that HR values ​​are directly proportional and max interval training. The doctor draws the submaximal value VO2 on a graph to different intensities, along with the values ​​of HR. VO2 max can be estimated on the basis of measurements outside vo2 max training at a lower intensity. Since VO2 and HR are proportional,max interval training a line of best fit is superimposed on the graph connecting the points above predicted HR max vo2 max test. For this process to be accurate, estimated HRmax must be valid. Also the data must be taken at intervals of steady state levels to allow submaximal HR to reach a stable state vo2 max training.

Absolute and relative units

VO2 max values ​​can be expressed in absolute value (L O2 / min) or relative terms [(ml / (kg * min)] max interval training. Units relatively speaking, allows comparison between a population or between individuals vo2 max training. It is standardized. VO2 components include oxygen transport and use oxygen.

It is the difference between the body's ability to carry oxygen to the necessary (transport) cells and once there, use oxygen effectively (of use) max interval training vo2 max test.

VO2 max training is considered the most important measure of cardio respiratory endurance and aerobic capacity. However, obtaining VO2 data can be complicated, expensive, and depends on a motivated purpose. Sometimes it is easier to estimate the maximum values ​​submaximal tests.

vo2 max training calculated and explained

VO2 max = (Q) x (a-diff VO2 max.) O

VO2 max = (HRmax SVmax x) x (a-diff VO2 max.)

Cardiac output (Q) is the measurement of oxygen transport,vo2 max training which can be calculated as the product of HR x SV (stroke volume) max interval training . Arteriovenous oxygen difference (a-diff VO2) refers to the ability to use the tissues of oxygen in the blood.

Arteriovenous oxygen difference is the difference in the concentration of oxygen in the blood from the arteries that supply the muscle tissue vo2 max training and veins that return oxygenated blood to our systemic circulation. Therefore, it is an indication of the amount of oxygen is taken from the blood and used by muscles.

Gender differences vo2 max training

Males have larger lungs, heart and blood volume. This indicates that males have a higher surface gas exchange in the lungs. Males have a greater force of contraction in the heart increases SV. Men also have more than absolute blood making it VO2diff because there is more oxygen available when a larger volume of blood.

The absolute increase in blood volume max interval training allows absolute increased hemoglobin,vo2 max training which increases the volume of O2 and increases following VO2diff in normal healthy individuals.

Females have a higher fat: lean mass than men. This ratio is usually higher due to innate physiological differences between the sexes. All these factors make higher values ​​of vo2 max training in men than in women.
As most of the differences between men and women only make sense as an absolute level, the main factor of the difference in the level of relative VO2 should reduce levels of body fat: lean mass. Lean mass means more lean body mass (FFM), which is the tissue that uses oxygen during exercise.

Submaximal test should be a staple for those who are interested in proficiency testing and prescription item vo2 max training.

How To Correctly Run a Speed Workout (vo2 max training)

Running a speed work session can be tricky max interval training.
There are so many variables that play. The repeat length, rest interval,vo2 max test number of repetitions, heating and cooling vo2 max training. With so many things to think is the right way to do a job for speed?

To log of speed work always warm. Run at least a mile loosen the legs and allows blood to move and prepare for more intense activity. Good pace is also important max interval training. Start jogging and his second wind is starting to run faster vo2 max training.
Finish your warm with a light sweat.

After heating to take a few minutes to stretch slowly, legs, shoulders and arms. Run a couple of progress to further relax the legs.

Incorrect rhythm is a major cause of poor vo2 max training . I

mplementation of the first round of a repeat too fast can ruin a planned workout vo2 max test. For a good indication of good rhythm,max interval training a 5k. Then divide their time running from 3.1 to find its normal rhythm.

vo2 max training Example: uptime / 3.1 = rate per mile.

When the average rate is known abduction 5-10 seconds per mile. This sets his work on the rate of speed.

Example: the pace - 5 to 10 seconds = work speed step max interval training.

By dividing this number by 4 gives the pace lap vo2 max training.

Example: 6:00 pace / 4 = 1:30

The length of their reps are also important. The repetitions of 800 meters work best. Spends long periods in their VO2 max increase the effectiveness of your workout max interval training.

Repeat until 1200 meters work best to increase their strength and vo2 max training mental toughness.

Rest intervals are also important. Jogging intervals of rest and not work more effective training. Jog at a slow pace to recover enough to start the next test at an appropriate pace.
800 meters to repeat jog for two minutes,max interval training 1200 meters displacement repetitions over a period of three minutes.

The number of repetitions is also important to consider the training vo2 max training. At the beginning of a season of speed work always start with one or two repetitions.
As your fitness improves build up to eight representatives 5x 800 meters or 1200 meters repetitions.

After your workout run a mile or cold. The cooling allows blood to remove residue that builds up in the muscles during intense competition periods vo2 max training vo2 max test. Another advantage of the reduced recovery of muscle soreness the next day.

One final tip to consider is your running speed work week. Enforcement of speed work outs for two consecutive weeks. The third week blow your normal training and weekend.

After a program like this prevents wear and allows the body to recover and mind vo2 max training.

A race every three weeks allows time for the body to adapt and become stronger.
As a race you determine your new rate training. And identify additional training if your race time seems to go down dramatically.

Genetic Predisposition to Physical Fitness (vo2 max training)

Understanding the direction of a person in the genetic fitness vo2 max training can help modulate exercise plan with a diet plan / proper nutrition. Regular exercise, which is the basis of physical condition is often determined by nutrition and the unique ability of the person max interval training.
In recent years, the issue of variation between individuals was the target of enthusiastic people exercise to research staff. For example, in the aging population,vo2 max test we expect this trend to advance the sport,vo2 max training increase independence and quality of life (Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 2012).

In fact, the success of the training programs / exercise routine vo2 max training resistance may reflect an individual - an index of maximum oxygen consumption during exercise execution; max interval training also known as aerobic capacity. vo2 max training is considered the best marker of cardio respiratory endurance and aerobic capacity. VO2 max can vary from individual to individual.

For example, high vo2 max training is a characteristic of elite endurance athletes. In some individuals,max interval trainingis unchanged regardless of the level of exercise program,vo2 max test which may be due to the impact of certain genes.

Genome-wide association (GWAS) conducted in people undergoing various exercise programs have led to the identification of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP's- pronounced as "scissors").

SNPs are small DNA segments that occur when a single nucleotide (DNA building block) is replaced by another vo2 max training. They are largely responsible for genetic variation among individuals max interval training.
Vo max training fitness solutions :

So far, we have identified 29 genes that not only predict O2 max potential, but also differentiate responders exercise as low, medium and high. Much light has been shed on ACL (member synthetics long-chain acyl-CoA family gene) (Journal of Applied Physiology,vo2 max training 2011). Unlike the variation of 6% in this gene corresponding to the response of the formation of max interval training among stakeholders exercise a high percentage of GWAS standards.

For improve VO2 max,vo2 max test an essential regulator of nearly 800 TRT (sensible Training was considered transcription) genes adaptation of muscle tissue influences aerobic endurance (Journal of Applied Physiology, 2011).

At high and low response to exercise training program phenotypic changes (increase in muscle) correlated differently (miRNA) microRNA (Journal of Applied Physiology, 2010) vo2 max training. This may indicate that changes in muscle mass may be representative of the molecular pathways activated.

In addition, arm flexor eccentric strength and grip strength are influenced by strong genetic variation (approximately 80%),max interval training where the allele of the enzyme gene encoding antidotes converting (ACE) is related to the fatigue resistance / resistance and allele D in increased strength (Annual Review of Anthropology, 2007) vo2 max training . So it may be obvious that fitness can take the active role of different genes important junction of biochemical pathways.

It is emphasized that the heart of genomic exercise is an emerging field in which an important form of "fitness and performance gene map" step has been crossed by genetic researchers vo2 max training. According to a study published in the 2009 edition of the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the autos gene card 214 and loci entries quantitative traits and seven on the X chromosome,max interval training while eighteen mitochondrial genes were shown to influence phenotypes in fitness and performance vo2 max test.

Therefore, large-scale studies dissecting the association between VO2max and vital SNP may have implications for the exploration of genomic predictors vo2 max training with an overview of gene-diet interactions between the various people in the age group attend Fitness / endurance programs.