Genetic Predisposition to Physical Fitness (vo2 max training)

Understanding the direction of a person in the genetic fitness vo2 max training can help modulate exercise plan with a diet plan / proper nutrition. Regular exercise, which is the basis of physical condition is often determined by nutrition and the unique ability of the person max interval training.
In recent years, the issue of variation between individuals was the target of enthusiastic people exercise to research staff. For example, in the aging population,vo2 max test we expect this trend to advance the sport,vo2 max training increase independence and quality of life (Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 2012).

In fact, the success of the training programs / exercise routine vo2 max training resistance may reflect an individual - an index of maximum oxygen consumption during exercise execution; max interval training also known as aerobic capacity. vo2 max training is considered the best marker of cardio respiratory endurance and aerobic capacity. VO2 max can vary from individual to individual.

For example, high vo2 max training is a characteristic of elite endurance athletes. In some individuals,max interval trainingis unchanged regardless of the level of exercise program,vo2 max test which may be due to the impact of certain genes.

Genome-wide association (GWAS) conducted in people undergoing various exercise programs have led to the identification of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP's- pronounced as "scissors").

SNPs are small DNA segments that occur when a single nucleotide (DNA building block) is replaced by another vo2 max training. They are largely responsible for genetic variation among individuals max interval training.
Vo max training fitness solutions :

So far, we have identified 29 genes that not only predict O2 max potential, but also differentiate responders exercise as low, medium and high. Much light has been shed on ACL (member synthetics long-chain acyl-CoA family gene) (Journal of Applied Physiology,vo2 max training 2011). Unlike the variation of 6% in this gene corresponding to the response of the formation of max interval training among stakeholders exercise a high percentage of GWAS standards.

For improve VO2 max,vo2 max test an essential regulator of nearly 800 TRT (sensible Training was considered transcription) genes adaptation of muscle tissue influences aerobic endurance (Journal of Applied Physiology, 2011).

At high and low response to exercise training program phenotypic changes (increase in muscle) correlated differently (miRNA) microRNA (Journal of Applied Physiology, 2010) vo2 max training. This may indicate that changes in muscle mass may be representative of the molecular pathways activated.

In addition, arm flexor eccentric strength and grip strength are influenced by strong genetic variation (approximately 80%),max interval training where the allele of the enzyme gene encoding antidotes converting (ACE) is related to the fatigue resistance / resistance and allele D in increased strength (Annual Review of Anthropology, 2007) vo2 max training . So it may be obvious that fitness can take the active role of different genes important junction of biochemical pathways.

It is emphasized that the heart of genomic exercise is an emerging field in which an important form of "fitness and performance gene map" step has been crossed by genetic researchers vo2 max training. According to a study published in the 2009 edition of the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the autos gene card 214 and loci entries quantitative traits and seven on the X chromosome,max interval training while eighteen mitochondrial genes were shown to influence phenotypes in fitness and performance vo2 max test.

Therefore, large-scale studies dissecting the association between VO2max and vital SNP may have implications for the exploration of genomic predictors vo2 max training with an overview of gene-diet interactions between the various people in the age group attend Fitness / endurance programs.

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