The Significance of Submax Testing and Gender Differences (vo2 max training)

Submaximal test is a test, athlete, or a theme client personal training intensities below 100% VO2max (volume of inspired oxygen, expressed in absolute or relative values vo2 max training.) Often overlooked in aptitude tests and exercise prescription.

When the body is placed in cardio respiratory fitness,max interval training oxygen demands increase. Oxygen consumption increases as the intensity increases vo2 max training.

This can be easily demonstrated in submaximal tests due to the equilibrium state that heart rate (HR) reached during this type of test. However,max interval training the body can vo2 max test consume a certain amount of body mass proportional to the oxygen. This maximum value is limited by the biochemical metabolism and is influenced by age, sex,vo2 max training body size, and type of muscle called genetic and VO2 max.

Submaximal tests stems from the idea that HR values ​​are directly proportional and max interval training. The doctor draws the submaximal value VO2 on a graph to different intensities, along with the values ​​of HR. VO2 max can be estimated on the basis of measurements outside vo2 max training at a lower intensity. Since VO2 and HR are proportional,max interval training a line of best fit is superimposed on the graph connecting the points above predicted HR max vo2 max test. For this process to be accurate, estimated HRmax must be valid. Also the data must be taken at intervals of steady state levels to allow submaximal HR to reach a stable state vo2 max training.

Absolute and relative units

VO2 max values ​​can be expressed in absolute value (L O2 / min) or relative terms [(ml / (kg * min)] max interval training. Units relatively speaking, allows comparison between a population or between individuals vo2 max training. It is standardized. VO2 components include oxygen transport and use oxygen.

It is the difference between the body's ability to carry oxygen to the necessary (transport) cells and once there, use oxygen effectively (of use) max interval training vo2 max test.

VO2 max training is considered the most important measure of cardio respiratory endurance and aerobic capacity. However, obtaining VO2 data can be complicated, expensive, and depends on a motivated purpose. Sometimes it is easier to estimate the maximum values ​​submaximal tests.

vo2 max training calculated and explained

VO2 max = (Q) x (a-diff VO2 max.) O

VO2 max = (HRmax SVmax x) x (a-diff VO2 max.)

Cardiac output (Q) is the measurement of oxygen transport,vo2 max training which can be calculated as the product of HR x SV (stroke volume) max interval training . Arteriovenous oxygen difference (a-diff VO2) refers to the ability to use the tissues of oxygen in the blood.

Arteriovenous oxygen difference is the difference in the concentration of oxygen in the blood from the arteries that supply the muscle tissue vo2 max training and veins that return oxygenated blood to our systemic circulation. Therefore, it is an indication of the amount of oxygen is taken from the blood and used by muscles.

Gender differences vo2 max training

Males have larger lungs, heart and blood volume. This indicates that males have a higher surface gas exchange in the lungs. Males have a greater force of contraction in the heart increases SV. Men also have more than absolute blood making it VO2diff because there is more oxygen available when a larger volume of blood.

The absolute increase in blood volume max interval training allows absolute increased hemoglobin,vo2 max training which increases the volume of O2 and increases following VO2diff in normal healthy individuals.

Females have a higher fat: lean mass than men. This ratio is usually higher due to innate physiological differences between the sexes. All these factors make higher values ​​of vo2 max training in men than in women.
As most of the differences between men and women only make sense as an absolute level, the main factor of the difference in the level of relative VO2 should reduce levels of body fat: lean mass. Lean mass means more lean body mass (FFM), which is the tissue that uses oxygen during exercise.

Submaximal test should be a staple for those who are interested in proficiency testing and prescription item vo2 max training.

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