VO2 Max Training- Exposing the Myth

Vo2 max training is defined as the maximum amount of oxygen the body is able to extract and use to support the work of the body max interval training. Therefore, it is an indirect measure of the body's aerobic power, which is controlled by complex interactions between neural (brain and nervous system), cardiovascular system (heart and lungs) and skeletal muscle factors vo2 max test .The equation vo2 max training is the product of stroke volume (the maximum amount of blood the heart ejects a contraction) and the arterioles difference (the difference between saturation of arterial blood and venous blood) max interval training . The aerobic power of the body constantly change throughout a program that runs well designed due to physiological changes and therefore its usefulness in designing a running program and capacity determination is questionable vo2 max test.  
This article attempts to explain the reason vo2 max training is a better fit than running potential and conditioning max interval training program design indicator. 

Many physiological adaptations occur that is obtained in the form, some of these include: an increase in the size and efficiency of the heart, increased blood volume, increased muscle capitalization (several developed capillaries) and mitochondria increase (small bodies in muscle cell that use oxygen to burn fat and energy) density. Therefore,max interval training it should be obvious then that if we increase the stroke volume or av difference (or both), the vo2 max training will increase vo2 max test.  
With a more muscular heart and increased blood volume, may increase stroke volume and increased extraction of oxygen in the blood to the muscles (more mitochondria) you can increase the av difference,max interval training equivalent to an improvement vo2 max training. Therefore, VO2 max is a good indicator of fitness or physical condition. 

Whether it pays to know your vo2 max training to develop an ideal training regimen or high vo2 max training automatically determines you as a great runner max interval training. The evidence accumulated by Prof. Tim Noakes and his colleagues at the Institute of Sports Science of South Africa, the answer is that knowing your vo2 max training will not answer these questions. The explanation, according to Dr. Andrew Bosch at the Institute. The questions of whether Dr. Bosch vo2 max training is genetically determined (IE an athlete with a high value has muscles that are able to use large amounts of oxygen and has a cardiovascular system that provides the oxygen quantity)max interval training . This athlete can then run at a maximum aerobic speed that can be sustained by this amount of oxygen.  
If genetically determined vo2 max training, then there would be no difference if the athlete was very apt or adjusted dramatically from the test result would be the same. However,vo2 max test  it should be intuitively obvious that a setting and conditioning a runner can run at a higher speed (output) when a treadmill unsuitable. Dr. Bosch suggests that in this situation would reach the (high) vo2 max training at a very low speed operation,max interval training which would be very inefficient. 

Vo2 max training solutions : 

Dr. Bosch confirms the common knowledge that the oxygen demand increases gradually as the speed (power) increases the rider. This increase in oxygen consumption continues until the athlete is unable to continue and running at that speed and stops. The volume of max interval training oxygen consumed at this time is called the vo2 max training and travel speed, maximum speed of operation. Scientists have historically attributed leveling exercise or tray vo2 max training and that at the point this occurs determines the value. Research by Noakes and colleagues indicate that half of athletes tested in laboratories do not show a plateau and that their VO2 or oxygen consumption increases,max interval training  even when you can not go further. This raises the question of why these runners stopped if their oxygen consumption (the supposed limiting factor) continued to increase.  
Prof vo2 max test . Noakes feels and search for evidence that some "core governor" regulates the power output of the members representing help protect the body from "running itself to death" by a heart attack continues max interval training. 
vo2 max training or brain? []). The fact that oxygen consumption continues to increase until the last deformation indicates that the level of athlete increases fitness and is able to run faster, so did his VO2 max. Therefore, the inability to use the vo2 max training test as a predictor of future performance of an athlete that can still improve your career using a scientifically designed program becomes obvious -. a large increase in the formation induced in running speed (reduced travel time) will be transferred to a substantial increase in vo2 max training and vice versa Even knowing the maximum speed is unlikely to help a person for the same reasons, and perhaps due to the low probability of being able to maintain a speed / intensity to the length of a long distance. 

Professor Tim Noakes believes that running economy is the true measure of performance vo2 max training. Running economy is the relationship between maximum power and oxygen consumption. Good operating economy in this context means that a very economic corridor can actually achieve a higher tape speed or power at a relatively low vo2 max training and therefore it is more efficient.  
A less economical runner will require a greater volume of oxygen to achieve the same power output. Noakes proposes that biomechanical efficiency contributes to the evolution of the economy - for example, max interval training a runner with good core stability will waste less energy and power than a competitor with poor core strength that allows inefficient movement. In addition, Dr. Noakes considers superior runners to have superior fatigue resistance. In other words, they have a superior heart that can maintain a high heart rate for maximum muscle and skeletal coronary blood flow that are efficient,vo2 max training resilient and possess a high degree of contractility. 

Dr. Bosch recognizes that although it may be of little use in predicting running ability or program design, there are some uses for the VO2 max test. He advises that if a program is designed for the beginning runner who has not run races and has no time limit so a vo2 max training test will give a good indication of the current state of the athlete and how based operating hours. Also, if performed regularly, vo2 max training test can give an indication of the effectiveness of the training program. Finally, it is fun to compare own VO2 max to those of elite runners who often have greater than 70 ml / kg / min values vo2 max training.

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