Vo2 max training (also known as aerobic capacity) is the maximum amount of oxygen the body can consume during exercise. This is essential for endurance athletes because of the role of oxygen in energy development. Specifically, the body uses oxygen to convert food into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the human essence necessary to facilitate muscle contraction and all bodily processes. A central aspect of performance of the bike is the ability to produce vo2 max training enough energy to complete the training and competitions at the highest level possible max interval training.
More oxygen equals increased production of ATP, which means more resistance on the bike vo2 max test . This is why a high vo2 max training is ideal for competitive cyclists and other endurance athletes. While it's not a very good indicator of cycling performance (lactate threshold is a better predictor,max interval training that is why we are developing training zones based on LT instead of VO2 max), this is a very good indicator of potential endurance sports vo2 max training.
Aerobic capacity can be measured in a laboratory setting using a bicycle ergo meter and a metabolic cart, which consists of several instruments that measure the volume of air the pilot breathes,max interval training the amount of oxygen extracted from the air and amount of carbon dioxide produced vo2 max training. The test involves pedaling loads ever higher work (usually an increase from one to three minutes until the driver reaches its limit his /), while the exhaled air is collected by a spokesman for the Analysis the metabolic cart. A computer then calculates vo2 max training,vo2 max test which can be articulated in both absolute and relative measurements. The absolute measurement is used liters of oxygen per minute (L / min) max interval training . The measure, which is the most commonly used oxygen is used milliliters per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml / kg / min).
The average person has a workout without VO2 max of about 40 ml / kg / min, vo2 max training while the aerobic capacity trained cyclists generally in the range of 55-65 ml / kg / min. Of course, some athletes aerobic capacity much higher. For example, Armstrong VO2 max was measured up to 83 ml / kg / min max interval training .
Vo2 max training solutions :
If you want your measures your aerobic fitness it takes to find a local laboratory that provides sports performance metabolic tests. The number of laboratories is increasing and in some cases can be as simple as going to a bike shop or local university O2 max training . Cyclists can often lactate threshold and aerobic capacity measured simultaneously. Just keep in mind that testing can be a bit pricey ($ 100 to $ 200 in most cases). Since the lactate threshold is the most important for the development of training areas step, you can determine the lactate threshold heart rate with a reasonable degree of accuracy in the field, you can just decide to skip testing aerobic capacity.
However, O2 max training if you choose to do, do not forget that aerobic fitness is not a great predictor of cycling performance, only potential. If your O2 max is high, this does not guarantee that it will be a great cyclist,O2 max training even if you're off to a good start. On the other hand, if your aerobic capacity is relatively small, do not be discouraged. With training and good nutrition, it will find great success in cycling ! .
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